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£26,000 – £33,000
Do you want to join a new team committed to climate action and delivering change? Do you have experience in carbon reduction projects and data systems? Can you help the SEC collect data and interpret its carbon footprint? This role is for someone ...
Scotland (North) - UK, Scotland (East) - UK, Scotland (West) - UK, Scotland (Central) - UK, Scotland (South) - UK

£36-48k plus benefits Job type Remote based - Full time – 3-year contract.
Do you want to join a new team committed to climate action and delivering change? Can you bring transformative change in the way buildings are used and maintained? This role is for someone with a practical and collaborative approach to net zero who ...
Scotland (North) - UK, Scotland (East) - UK, Scotland (West) - UK, Scotland (Central) - UK, Scotland (South) - UK

£26,000 – £33,000 / Job type Remote based - Full time – 3-year contract.
Do you want to join a new team committed to climate action and delivering change? Can you bring transformative change to Church communities’ relationship with heat and energy? This role is for someone with a practical and collaborative ...
Scotland (North) - UK, Scotland (East) - UK, Scotland (West) - UK, Scotland (Central) - UK, Scotland (South) - UK

Flexible working, working from home, non-contributory final salary pension scheme
Scottish Episcopal Church                     Net Zero Innovation Coordinator Starting Salary   £26-33k plus ...
Scotland (East) - UK

Flexible working, working from home, non-contributory final salary pension scheme
Scottish Episcopal Church                     Net Zero Empowerment Coordinator Starting Salary   £26-33k plus ...
Scotland (East) - UK