environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 31 years
Im not sure that there is much information that is useful today. But its still worth a read particularly if you are starting off on the journey of finding an environmental job.
Environmental work is an area that attracts many graduates. Although opportunities remain
buoyant in some areas, entry can be highly competitive. Successful candidates often have a
relevant post graduate qualification, together with related work experience - entry without
either of these can be difficult. There is no single environmental profession: environmental work
encompasses a wide range of technical and non-technical jobs in industry, local and national
government and voluntary organisations. Thus, graduates without a science background can
gain entry to some lines of work with relevant postgraduate training and work experience.
Job search tips
Graduate entry level jobs are not always advertised: although you will find some environmental
recruiters at our careers fairs (usually the larger multidisciplinary consultancies and oil/utility
companies), many jobs in this sector fall into the business as usual category and are advertised
as they come up, rather than as part of an annual recruitment campaign. As a job hunter, you
need to go to them, targeting organisations that interest you individually, researching their
current opportunities and, if all else fails, approaching them speculatively.
Research employers and occupations:
some entry level jobs in the environmental sector are not widely advertised. Researching jobs and companies is a good way to find out entry criteria for different roles: it will help you identify the sort of work experience and skills that will make you more employable. Annual salary and career surveys can be useful to get a snapshot of the environmental labour market.
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