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Environmental Job Trends and Statistics (UK and North America) – for the period 1st – 31st October 2009
ADC Environment Limited & Stopdodo.com have finalised the second month data compilation of trends in the environmental job market for the UK and North America. The data is for the period from the 1st to 31st October 2009. The data is extracted from the daily monitoring of hundreds of environmental websites and environmental job portals. A total of 1116 job vacancies* were surveyed in the UK and USA during the period 1 - 31 October 09. A total of 801 job vacancies were surveyed in North America and 315 in the U.K during the period 1 - 31st October 09.
The survey broadly categories seven (7) key Categories:
· Low Carbon Technologies: This covers Climate Change, Low Carbon, Energy Efficiency, Renewables, Transport and Sustainability
· Conservation & Ecology: This covers, Nature, Ecology, Biology, Biodiversity & Ecosystems
· Environmental Protection & Management: This covers Environmental Protection & Management (EIA, EA, EMS etc), Waste, Recycling, Pollution
· Tourism - Green Tourism:
· Education
· Administration, Sales and Support Roles Marketing: PR, Admin, Sales, Legal etc.
And four (4) Employment Sectors
· Not For Profit / Charitable
· Public Sector
· Private Sector
· Academia
Mr Andrew Coleman of ADC Environment said: Generally the UK market remains downbeat with recruitment freezes common-place for many employers. However, there has been a small month-on-month increase in the number of environmental vacancies for the United Kingdom (up 5% from 299 to 315). Conservation & Ecology roles have remained at a very similar level, however Low Carbon Technologies has seen a big month-on-month Category increase of 28%. This increase has been mainly attributable to an increase in the number of vacancies listed by the 'Public Sector' (17%) and 'Academia' (26%). Generally the % of vacancies per Sector has remained fairly consistent, the largest change being a 6% drop in 'Not For Profit / Charitable' vacancies.
Commenting on the North American market Mr Ad Davids of www.stopdodo.com said: "An 18% rise in the number of month-on-month environmental vacancies in North America is a positive trend. In particular there were big increases in Environmental Protection & Management positions and Administration, Sales and Support Roles. 'Not For Profit / Charitable' sector recruitment increased this month from 17% to 31% of the total jobs surveyed. However, 'Public Sector' recruitment was down 21% (from 50% to 29%) on the previous month."
UK Environmental Job Trends and Statistics for the period 1st – 31st October 2009
A total of 315 job vacancies* were surveyed in U.K during the period 1 - 31st October 2009 (up 5% on September 09)
· The most numerous jobs listed per Category - Low Carbon Technologies - 41% - followed by Conservation & Ecology 36%.
· The 'Not For Profit / Charitable' Sector was the most prolific recruiter - 38% - down 6% on September 09
· Most vacancies listed within all Sectors and Categories - Conservation & Ecology roles within the 'Not For Profit / Charitable' Sector - 18% Month on Month Trends
· Low Carbon Technologies UP 10% on Sept 09 from 31% to 41% of the total jobs surveyed; a Category-on-Category increase of 28%
· Conservation & Ecology DOWN 3% on Sept 09 from 39% to 36% of the total jobs surveyed; a Category-on-Category decrease of 3%
· Environmental Protection & Management DOWN 5% on Sept 09 from 17% to 12% of the total jobs surveyed; a Category-on-Category decrease of 30%
· Tourism - Negligible
· CSR - Negligible
· Education - Negligible
· Administration, Sales and Support Roles UP 17% on Sept 09 from 5% to 9% of the total jobs surveyed; a Category-on-Category increase of 40% Additionally:
· "Environmental Technology" jobs (The combined total of Low Carbon Technology category + Environmental Protection & Management category) accounted for 48% of the total jobs surveyed; DOWN 4% on September 09.
· 16% of all vacancies were listed by the 'Private Sector' within the Low Carbon Technologies Category - there is no significant movement on this data month-on-month.
· 9% of all vacancies were Administration, Sales and Support Roles - up 4% on September 09, a Category-on-Category increase of 40%.
· Low Carbon Technologies recruitment within the 'Public Sector' UP 7% (Sector-on-Sector) from 10% to 17%
· Low Carbon Technologies recruitment within the 'Academic Sector' UP 6% (Sector-on-Sector) from 20% to 26%
North American Environmental Job Trends and Statistics for the period 1st – 31st October 2009
A total of 801 job vacancies* were surveyed in North America during the period 1 - 31st October 2009 (up 18% on September 09)
· The most numerous jobs listed per Category - Conservation & Ecology - 46% - followed by Environmental Protection & Management 27%.
· The 'Private' sector was the most prolific recruiter (36%) - UP 5% on September 09
· Most vacancies listed within all Sectors and Categories - Environmental Protection & Management roles within the 'Private Sector' - 21%. Month on Month Trends
· Low Carbon Technologies DOWN 3% on Sept 09 from 21% to 18% of the total jobs surveyed; but a Category-on-Category increase of 5%
· Conservation & Ecology DOWN 5% on Sept 09 from 46% to 41% of the total jobs surveyed; with a Category-on-Category increase of 9%
· Environmental Protection & Management UP 6% on Sept 09 from 27% to 33% of the total jobs surveyed; with a Category-on-Category increase of 31%
· Tourism - Negligible
· CSR - Negligible
· Education - Negligible
· Administration, Sales and Support Roles UP 3% on Sept 09 from 4% to 7% of the total jobs surveyed; with a Category-on-Category increase of 50%
· 'Environmental Technology' jobs (The combined total of Low Carbon Technology category + Environmental Protection & Management category) accounted for 51% of the total jobs surveyed; UP 2% on September 09.
· 18% of vacancies were listed by the 'Not For Profit / Charitable' Sector within the Conservation & Ecology Category - a Category-on-Category increase of 48%
· 21% of vacancies were listed by the 'Private Sector' within the Environmental Protection & Management Category - a Category-on-Category increase of 46%
Notes: * Figures are accumulated from daily monitoring of over 700 environmental websites and Environmental Job websites in the UK and USA. Figures include UK and USA central government and agencies. To avoid inflating figures by surveying all environmental recruitment agency jobs (agencies often recruit for the same clients), the figures only include vacancies from one (1) UK and USA agency.Figures do not include unpaid voluntary or intern roles, nor do they include specialsms such as Environment, Health and Safety, pure Engineering or Planning roles, Hydrology or Soil management. About Stop Dodo. Established in May 2008, Stopdodo.com (Stop Dodo) is a leading environmental job portal for the environment sectors. Stopdodo.com is the world's only global environmental job portal listing vacancies from every continent, at every level and covering all environmental disciplines.
For further analysis or information contact Andrew Coleman, or Ad Davids on 01268 450024 or email andy@pathcom.co.uk or ad@stopdodo.com
ADC Environment Ltd © 2007 -2015. Company no. 06212667. Registered Address: 5 Hayes Chase, Battlesbridge Essex SS11 7QT. All rights reserved.