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Greenpeace Australia Pacific Limited (GPAP) is seeking to appoint some new members to its General Assembly at the 2025 AGM. GPAP is seeking suitably qualified individuals to join the General Assembly who can contribute to the overall success of the ...
Australia (New South Wales) - Australasia, Australia (Northern Territory) - Australasia, Australia (Queensland) - Australasia, Australia (South Australia) - Australasia, Australia (Tasmania) - Australasia, Australia (Western Australia) - Australasia, Australia (Victoria) - Australasia, Fiji - Australasia, Kiribati - Australasia, Marshall Islands - Australasia, Micronesia - Australasia, Nauru - Australasia, New Zealand (North) - Australasia, New Zealand (South) - Australasia, Palau - Australasia, Papua New Guinea - Australasia, Samoa - Australasia, Solomon Islands - Australasia, Tonga - Australasia, Tuvalu - Australasia, Vanuatu - Australasia, Pacific Islands (Other) - Australasia

Greenpeace Australia Pacific Limited (GPAP) is seeking to appoint 2 (two) new directors at the 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM). GPAP’s Board is dedicated to upholding GPAP’s values, mission and purpose. These are critical as we work ...
Australia (New South Wales) - Australasia, Australia (Northern Territory) - Australasia, Australia (Queensland) - Australasia, Australia (South Australia) - Australasia, Australia (Tasmania) - Australasia, Australia (Western Australia) - Australasia, Australia (Victoria) - Australasia, Fiji - Australasia, Kiribati - Australasia, Marshall Islands - Australasia, Micronesia - Australasia, Nauru - Australasia, New Zealand (North) - Australasia, New Zealand (South) - Australasia, Palau - Australasia, Papua New Guinea - Australasia, Samoa - Australasia, Solomon Islands - Australasia, Tonga - Australasia, Tuvalu - Australasia, Vanuatu - Australasia, Pacific Islands (Other) - Australasia

This job exists to: Coordinate the RMI component of the GEF 6 Regional Invasives Project (GEF6 RIP) and provide / facilitate strategic advice and technical expertise, including coordination and facilitation, on all invasive species issues in the ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

This job exists to: Provide advice to the PacWaste Project Management Unit and participating Countries Assist national governments and communities to implement PacWaste Plus project activities Implement agreed PacWaste Plus projects (For ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), acting as an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), has been requested by the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (GoFSM) through the Division of Energy, ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

The OEPPC is designated as the national implementing partner for the RMI R2R project entitled “Reimaanlok – Looking to the Future: Strengthening natural resource management in atoll communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

The OEPPC is designated as the national implementing partner for the RMI R2R project entitled “Reimaanlok – Looking to the Future: Strengthening natural resource management in atoll communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

We are looking for an experienced manager to support our Birds on Farms team. In this role you will lead the planning, delivery, upscaling and review of our woodland bird conservation programs. The Birds on Farms Program Manager is a key ...
Australia (New South Wales) - Australasia, Australia (Northern Territory) - Australasia, Australia (Queensland) - Australasia, Australia (South Australia) - Australasia, Australia (Tasmania) - Australasia, Australia (Western Australia) - Australasia, Australia (Victoria) - Australasia, Fiji - Australasia, Kiribati - Australasia, Marshall Islands - Australasia, Micronesia - Australasia, Nauru - Australasia, New Zealand (North) - Australasia, New Zealand (South) - Australasia, Palau - Australasia, Papua New Guinea - Australasia, Samoa - Australasia, Solomon Islands - Australasia, Tonga - Australasia, Tuvalu - Australasia, Vanuatu - Australasia, Pacific Islands (Other) - Australasia

The project “Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Water Sector (ACWA) in the Marshall Islands)” implemented by the Government of the Republic of Marshall Islands (GoRMI) in collaboration with UNDP became operational in January 2020 ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

The project “Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Water Sector (ACWA) in the Marshall Islands)” implemented by the Government of the Republic of Marshall Islands (GoRMI) in collaboration with UNDP became operational in January 2020 ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

The Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) consists of 870 reef systems reaching up from 2.1 million km2 of the vast deep Central Pacific Ocean. Upon these reef systems are 29 coral atolls and 5 low-lying islands, respectively 22 and 4 of which ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia

IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment. Read more about diversity and inclusion at IOM at Applications are welcome from first- and second-tier candidates, particularly qualified female candidates as well ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia, Pacific Islands (Other) - Australasia

The Secretariat of the Pacific Region Environment Programme (SPREP) is the regional organisation established by the Governments and Administrations of the Pacific charged with protecting and managing the environment and natural resources of the ...
Marshall Islands - Australasia, Samoa - Australasia