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Recruitment of Super Volunteers Wildlife crime is one of the most widespread crimes globally, threatening existence of many endangered species, connected to corruption and injustice. In the EAGLE Family, we're fighting side by side against it and ...
Congo - Africa, Guinea - Africa, Ivory Coast - Africa, Kenya - Africa, Senegal - Africa, Togo - Africa, Uganda - Africa

CONTEXTCreated in 2001, Noé is a non-profit general interest association whose mission is to safeguard biodiversity, for the well-being of all living beings, and in particular of humanity. To achieve this, Noé implements, in France ...
Congo - Africa

10,000XAF per day perdiems / one return flight ticket per 12 month period / medical & evacuation insurance provided
ToR Coordinator, Projet Lesio-Louna (PLL), Congo-Brazzaville Réserve Lesio-Louna: Objectives, Activities The Lesio-Louna Reserve was created the 31/12/99 by presidential decree. It is a Congolese government reserve and a Congolese ...
Congo - Africa

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a US non-profit, tax-exempt, private organization established in 1895 that saves wildlife and wild places by understanding critical issues, crafting science-based solutions, and taking conservation ...
Congo - Africa

L’équipe du Parc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki (PNNN) travaille depuis 2014 à l’amélioration de la gouvernance locale des ressources naturelles, en utilisant un outil d’évaluation (le Natural ...
Congo - Africa

L’équipe du Parc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki (PNNN) travaille depuis 2014 à réduire les inégalités de genre dans tous les aspects de son travail, à la fois au sein de la Wildlife Conservation ...
Congo - Africa

Reports to:          ...
Congo - Africa

Founded in 1977, the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) USA is an international non-governmental organization that continues Dr. Jane Goodall’s pioneering work on chimpanzee behaviour and conservation. Its mission is to understand and protect ...
Congo - Africa

The Program for Sustainable Land Utilization (PUDT – Programme d’Utilisation Durable des Terres) is the largest program funded by the Central African Forest Initiative in the Republic of Congo, and one of the largest since the ...
Congo - Africa

Avec une superficie de 342 000 km2 et une population d’environ 4 millions d’habitants, la République du Congo avait un taux d’électrification de 37,8 % en 2012 selon les données de la Banque mondiale. Le reste ...
Congo - Africa

Project Background: Panthera, founded in 2006, is devoted exclusively to the conservation of wild cats and their landscapes, which sustain people and biodiversity. Panthera’s team of preeminent cat biologists and site security specialists ...
Congo - Africa

This position oversees the management of one of the NNNP’s five departments – Research and Biomonitoring. The principle objective of this department is to provide essential data to inform management decisions as well as ensuring capacity ...
Congo - Africa