Globally and nationally wildlife is in steep decline. We appear to be reaching critical tipping points around loss of biodiversity as well as around climate change, both being interlinked. Human society cannot prosper without wildlife and healthy ecosystems.
Kent’s wildlife needs to be restored to much higher levels. We can no longer allow common things to become rare. We can only do this by restoring large-scale habitat from degraded land. Doing this will contribute to solving global problems. But we won’t be able to do this unless we publicly aspire to a higher level of impact and show that we can deliver this.
Are you looking for experience in the environment sector as a Nature Reserve Warden? We are looking for someone to help us with the general and practical management of a range of nature reserves in the West of the county including wetland, woodland and chalk downland, whilst gaining experience working with and leading volunteer tasks, working with stock graziers and Trust livestock, carrying out surveys and monitoring and gaining certificates for various practical skills such as brushcutter and chainsaw.
Kent Wildlife Trust is one of the largest of the 47 Wildlife Trusts and has the simple aim of protecting Kent’s wildlife for the future. We are working to restore biodiversity, focusing on the restoration, recreation and reconnection of wildlife habitats, linking them to the green space in our cities, towns and villages. Our vision is to rebuild nature by working with landowners, local communities and partner organisations to create a Living Landscape.
If you feel you have the enthusiasm and capacities to meet the challenge of this role, we would be very interested to hear from you.